Here is the project documentation based on the provided transcript:

Project Overview

This is an Expense Tracker application built with ASP.NET Core MVC from scratch. The main goal of this project is to learn how to develop an enterprise web application using ASP.NET Core MVC.

Key Features

  1. Expense Tracking: The application allows users to track their expenses by category, date, and amount.
  2. Income Tracking: Users can also track their income sources and amounts.
  3. Data Visualization: The application provides various data visualization components like charts (donut chart, spline chart) to display expenses and income data in a visually appealing manner.
  4. CRUD Operations: The application implements full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for managing expense categories and transactions.
  5. Syncfusion Components: The project utilizes feature-rich components from the Syncfusion library, such as form controls, grids, charts, navigation controls, and more.

Technologies and Libraries Used

Project Structure

  1. Models: Contains the data models for entities like Category and Transaction.
  2. Views: Contains the Razor views for rendering the user interface.
  3. Controllers: Contains the controllers that handle user requests and interact with the models and views.